interpolate hex color vectors in one line of ruby
June 27, 2007
which color lies halfway inbetween #ff00ff and #00ff00 you ask?
One line of ruby code can interolate two color vectors like they are usually found inside css files, like: body{background: #ff00ff; color: #00ff00}
ff00ff 00ff00
121 character solution by schmidt({ff00ff 00ff00}.map{|a|a.scan(/../).map{|b|b.hex}}.inject{|c,d|c.size.times{|i|c[i]+=d[i]};c}.map{|e|"%0x"%(e>>1)}.join
Answer -> 0x7f7f7f. sure, there must be a shorter version. Can you show it to me?
next step: color animations and gradients and HSR colorspace conversions mayby.
have fun
Technorati Tags: ruby, coding, puzzle, css, hex, color, interpolation