Add Some color to your life: My first foray into dynamic javascript territory from around 2001!

I put a first post online in 2006, by that time it was already untouched and a couple of years old. I guess that counts as really OLD! Coming from computer graphics land I was frustrated with C++, X11 and OpenGL and interested in playing with dynamic javascript for full-screen, better say full window, display. The stuff above is an embedded IFrame, you can link to the original full page here.

I can’t exactly say, as the machines and the site no longer exist, but I would date my little javascript experiment to 2001. Around that time I realized Javascript was one of the most misunderstood languages and fell in love with it. Which is for why I tried really really hard writing clean code, something basically unheard in javascript land, a time of <marquee> tags and javascript clocks. Flash ruled, and I hated Flash.

Actually, I’m quite proude of my javascript. It’s not complicated, but it is clean and the amazing part is, it is running untouched, 15 years later in my browser. Full source code is now merged into this jekyll blog and can be found on github. Catch a glimpse below, isn’t it beautiful?

function ObjectByName(name) {
    if (document.getElementById) {
        this.obj = document.getElementById(name); = document.getElementById(name).style;
    } else if (document.all) {
        this.obj = document.all[name]; = document.all[name].style;
    } else if (document.layers) {
        this.obj = document.layers[name]; = document.layers[name];

function writit( id, text) {
    if (document.getElementById) {
        x = document.getElementById(id);
        x.innerHTML = '';
        x.innerHTML = text;
    } else if (document.all) {
        x = document.all[id];
        x.innerHTML = text;

function appendIt( id, text) {
    if (document.getElementById) {
        x = document.getElementById(id);
        var tmp = x.innerHTML + text;
        x.innerHTML = '';
        x.innerHTML = tmp;
    } else if (document.all) {
        x = document.all[id];
        x.innerHTML += text;

function urldecode() {

    // return a result array even when its emtpy
    var data = new Array();
    do {
        var s =;
        if( s == null || s == "") {
            break; // emtpy search 
        if( s.charAt(0) != '?') {
            alert(" search with no question mark? somethings seriously wrong here");
        s = s.substring(1); // strip the leading ?

        var parts = s.split("&");
        for( p in parts) { 
            var part = parts[p];
    //alert( p + '->' + part);
            var x = part.split("=");
            var name = dehex( x[0].replace( /\+/g," ") );
            var value = true;
            if( 1 < x.length && x[1]) {
                value = dehex( x[1].replace( /\+/g," ") );
            data[name] = value;
    } while(false);

    // return result, can be empty but not null
    return data;

function urlparam( key, default_value) {
    var kv = urldecode();
    var value = (kv[key]) ? kv[key] : default_value;

    return value;

have fun