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shameless self promotion: Diz/Kiz video mashup released

February 24, 2007

after having Diz/Kiz online for some weeks now, for the very first time we let it outside. There never was a Beta, and now it is officially out of the gates. My connection? I work for the company which build it: productdevelpment @ /i-d media(full flash!).

Diz/Kiz ist a ruby-on-rails webapp where you can diz or kiz videos pulled in from other sites. With just 2 mouseclicks(the second click is only for confirmation :-) and our bookmarklet you can publish videos yourself.  Diz/Kiz was supposed to give you some fun minutes with a simple "am I hot or not" mechanik.

The spanish speaking genbeta blog has something to say about us:

DizKiz, subiendo y votando vídeos


Diz/KizDiz/kiz es una herramienta online que permite a los usuarios subir los vídeos, por ahora soportando los sistemas de Google Vídeos, Youtube y t-community, añadiéndo simplemente los enlaces de las páginas de los vídeos que desean subir.

and web2null from Germany:

dizkizDizKiz: Video-Voting
DizKiz ist ein kleines Mashup von I-D Media, auf dem Videos von YouTube, GoogleVideo etc. vorgestellt und mit “Kiz” (gut) oder “Diz” (schlecht) bewertet werden können. Das ganze ist auch als Widget auf der eigenen Homepage nutzbar.

It is nice seeing your work beeing picked up by people around the globe. There was no Beta and Diz/Kiz was a proof-of-concept for us. Now we keep on going :-) Usabilitywise we need to fix some things and we will add  functionallity. Don't worry, Diz/Kiz will never become a full featured video portal but remains a simple one-step-stop for your video fun. But more widgets would be ok, wouldn't it?

And for you beeing a ruby coder maybe, I promise some API to embed Diz/Kiz widgets on your own site. Diz/Kiz was designed from the groud up to embed video data from external storage providers and this is how it was build. Right now we are working on opening up this interface to the web.

next stop: foto-foo! This time we do a Beta, don't forget to sign up!

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